

The Whitney Geostrategic Risk Ratings (GRR) model quantifies the measure of entanglement that individual publicly reporting companies share with nation-states that are defined as “adversarial” in the US Intelligence Community Annual Threat Assessment. Our team employs a proprietary multifactor model that achieves a high level of data attribution and transparency by utilizing data drawn primarily from company public disclosure documents.

Our GRR model can be used to score either individual companies or entire indexes or portfolios, including the S&P 500, Nasdaq, and Nikkei 225. To receive sample scores, click here.

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Search for companies by entering the whole name, ISIN identifier or stock symbol. Search for one company at time. While the GRR system has a robust database of companies, not all companies are available through our website. We are currently not offering mutual funds through this interface, please reach out if you would like a sample. Contact us for complete access or additional information.

About the Geostrategic Risk Rating (GRR):

Our GRR model incorporates 10 distinct categories of data. Through precise weighting and thresholds for each category, we quantify relative risk levels for individual companies. Subscribing to our data feeds allows you to curate portfolios of companies. The system not only ranks individual securities within the portfolio but also assesses the overall portfolio risk. For those seeking a deeper understanding, the system offers full transparency into the underlying data, empowering you to make informed decisions.

Score Explanation:

The GRR scoring system, ranging from 1 to 3, categorizes risks to provide a nuanced perspective. Scores below 2.3 indicate a high risk, while those between 2.3 and 2.6 suggest a moderate risk. Scores above 2.6 are classified as low risk. Scores are color coded to indicate risk level.

© J.H. Whitney Data Services, LLC, 2024. All rights reserved.

The Geostrategic Risk Ratings (Ratings) provided by J.H. Whitney Data Services, LLC (JHWDS) constitute opinions of JHWDS based on its analysis of information from public sources and other information believed by JHWDS to be reliable. The Ratings do not constitute investment or strategic advice and do not take into account the objectives, financial situation, or particular needs of the recipient of the Ratings. The Ratings constitute opinions of JHWDS as of the date of publication and are subject to change without notice. No recipient of the Ratings should assume that JHWDS will update any of the Ratings based on changes in circumstances or otherwise.

The Ratings are for the sole use of authorized recipients and may not be re-distributed, re-transmitted, or disclosed, in whole or in part, or in any form or manner, without the express written consent of JHWDS. Any unauthorized use or disclosure of the Ratings is prohibited. Receipt and review of the Ratings constitute an agreement by the authorized recipient not to re-distribute, re-transmit, or disclose the Ratings to others without first obtaining express permission from an authorized officer of JHWDS.

The information on which the Ratings are based was obtained from various public and other sources. JHWDS does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of such information and JHWDS shall have no liability for any errors or omissions with respect to such information or JHWDS’s use of such information. JHWDS, its affiliates, and their respective officers or employees expressly disclaim, to the fullest extent permitted by law, all warranties, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, completeness, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose or use of the Ratings and shall have no liability for any direct, indirect, or consequential damages or losses arising from any reliance on the Ratings for investment, strategic, or other purposes. There are no third-party beneficiaries of any agreements or arrangements between JHWDS and any authorized recipient of the ratings. "

Company ratings

We provide individual companies geostrategic risk ratings for all companies in the following indicies:

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